Geo-local Data

Improve the accuracy of map and navigation software with local data.

The user experience of any location-based software relies heavily on the quality of the underlying data. TELUS Digital is a global leader in the development of human annotated geo-local data services. Our global AI Community of qualified contributors is experienced in evaluating geo-local data and providing quality annotations to train your models.

Geo-data powered by human intelligence

We have access to 1 million in-market evaluators who can verify driving and walking directions, find local business information, verify addresses and more. Using our secure platform, we can annotate and verify data, tag key features, buildings and landmarks in all global markets and enhance location data for any use case or language.

Our experience

Discover how we help our clients build industry-leading machine learning models.

Autonomous vehicles driving on a road

Autonomous vehicles

With a growing number of companies leading the race towards fully autonomous vehicles, the demand for traffic data is growing. We provide image classification and annotation services so that autonomous vehicles can navigate their environment in both rural and urban areas.

GPS navigation in a vehicle

Navigation software

Despite significant advances in map and navigation software, tech’s biggest players still rely on humans in the loop to stay ahead of the competition. We have professionals working in almost every country, so we can keep up to speed with your navigation data needs.

Upgrade your AI

Partner with our AI Data Solutions experts to customize the exact project to advance your machine learning needs.

A person recording an audio note on his smartphone